
Just like most of you out there, I have a ton of things I want to do. Starting a hobby, getting in better shape, whatever it is, we all want something more. And I don’t think this is a bad thing. It’s a natural human desire to want something more, to improve ourselves, to make things better for us and/or our family.


I just can’t seem to do these things. I’m always too tired, have too much to do, or am lacking funds. This really all boils down to my desire, though. I’m not willing to wake up early/stay up late, forego that meal out, or get off the couch to do these things.


All of my excuses end now. So that you all can keep me accountable, here is my list of things that I will do over the next month or so:


1.) I’ve been talking forever about writing a book. I will start that process by creating an outline for  it. It doesn’t matter if it’s any good, I just need to complete it.

2.) I would love to get to the point that I only drink beer that I brew. I will brew two batches of beer this month, and one of them will be a recipe of my own creation.

3.) I will learn how to podcast and record at least one.

4.) One of my goals is to run a bunch of races this year. It’s now over halfway through and I haven’t run any. I will go to the gym at least 5 times a week to work my way back up to race distance and get in shape.

5.) I have recently begun working with wood and I absolutely love it. I will build something large, like a box of some sort. I’ll work out the details.


These are my super short-term goals that will help me get back on track for my dreams. Habits are hard to start, but also hard to break. What are your goals?