
So I’m nearing a great milestone for my blog. It may not be that big of a deal, but its a huge deal to me. I’m almost at 100 comments! I have set personal records concerning views I’m this blog the past week, and it (obviously) couldn’t be done without you guys viewing!

So, to show appreciation, I’m giving away a copy of Donald Miller‘s greatest hits. It’s a three-book compilation from my favorite author of all time that includes Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God Knows What, and Through Painted Deserts.

Second only to the Bible.


Here’s how you can win: Once I reach a specific number of comments, I will have a drawing. In honor of The Hunger Games (I’m in the mood to honor literature today) each comment on this blog will net you 1 entry. This will go back to the very beginning of this blog. You don’t have to comment on this post (although you can if you want), but your comment has to be meaningful (not “Hey”).

If you want to comment on this post, just answer a question or two: Who is your favorite author? What is your favorite book/book series?

14 responses to “Contest!

  1. I believe this is the first contest I’ve seen based on number of comments received. You should join us in the A to Z Challenge if you want to see a spike in comments. Then of course you do get more comments when you comment on a lot of other blogs–reciprocated comments are what really gives you the numbers.

    Favorite author: Flannery O’Connor with Cormac McCarthy at almost a tie.

    Favorite book series: Is McCarthy’s Border Trilogy. Currently I’ve also been enjoying Stephen Tremp’s Chase Manhattan series–I like the mix of thriller sci-fi and religion.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    Blogging from A to Z

    • I must admit I have been dying to read McCarthy, but haven’t yet. I know, I need to. I’ll check out those series’, Thanks! And checking out the A-Z challenge as well!

      • Austin, taking your interest in God in mind and having an interest in amazing writing, I strongly encourage you to read Flannery O’Connor if you haven’t yet. Her stories are dark and gritty, but deal with highly spiritual issues. She mostly wrote short stories and has a relatively small body of work, but the stories and characters are so memorable. If you read anything by her I’d love to hear your thoughts.

        Her most well known story is “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”. You can not only find the text online, there is also a recording where Flannery herself reads the story–one link for that is

  2. Ted Dekker! He is a beast (although i do admit that his more recent stuff isnt as favorite as his older stuff)

    The Circle Trilogy (also known as “black” “red” “white”) by far is the best series ive ever read! Hard to explain in a short comment, but the best example of creation, sin/fall, and redemption out there. There is also a fourth book that came out years later called “green” that “completes” the series but i never recommend it cause its kinda weird like some of his other, newer, not-favorite books.

    Check him out

  3. I say my favorite book is The Great Gatsby, and I do love it, but my real favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird. Problem is that is my wife’s favorite book, and she said we can’t have the same favorite book.

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