And The Winner Is…

I had my first contest ever, to show appreciation to all you guys who read my blog. The response was awesome! Next time, though, I’m going to use RaffleCopter because they make it fun and easy. Just a few words before I announce the winner:

I started this blog timidly. I really want to work on my writing and learn how to get my name out there so that one day I can write a book. I don’t know when that is going to happen, or if books will still be around when I finally finish. I just know that I was really scared to take the leap and start writing for everyone to see and judge. I’m still scared. But you guys have made it much easier to write (almost) every day. I have gotten comments from Derek Webb, one of my favorite (and one of the most important) musicians around, and Chad Gibbs, a hilarious sports  writer (I’m not actually sure what about anymore). My friends are incredibly supportive, joining in on the conversation constantly. So thank you guys, and I hope that you guys stick with me and tell me when I’m writing crappy. Ok, I’m done with all the sappy stuff.

I want to give a shout out to the person who commented most on this blog: Michael Elizondo. We are old college buddies and rabid San Antonio Spurs fans. He and his wife write a blog called Our Family E about everything. They just finished a series about the struggles of getting pregnant and how God guided them through hard times. It’s really awesome, and you should check it out.

There were a lot of people who left only one comment on the blog, and wouldn’t you know it, one of them is the winner. My friend Andrew and I have been friends since high school, and he is definitely in my Top 5 favorite people. He has a new blog called Gnuphurd about his new family (his baby girl Blanche is incredible, maybe he will show us some pictures). So, Congratulations on a new book Andrew! I’ll text you later for your address.

Thanks for playing, guys! I’ll be more organized next time, I promise.

Here’s to 100 more comments!!

9 responses to “And The Winner Is…

  1. Keep on writing. I think there will always be a need and a demand for books or some semblance thereof as long as there is a civilization. There will always be stories to tell, ideas to express, and history to record and it might as well be you doing it along with some of us others. keep your writing out there and your persistence will pay off in some way or another.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z
    Blogging from A to Z

    • Yeah! So could you all do me a favor and race for the cure! I’d really appreciate that!

      Oh and gilly, although i didnt win the prize, i win for getting the shout out! Holla at yor boy!

  2. I love your comment about wondering if books will still be around when the ebook is finished! That was great!

    Sorry I missed the contest! You’ll have to explain “RaffleCopter” to me one of these days, by the way!

  3. Derek Webb has never commented on my blog.
    In all seriousness there should be a badge for that to go on your sidebar: “Derek Webb comments here.” I don’t care if it was lying in my case, I’d put that badge up.

  4. Somehow, I missed this post and the one before it… you even texted me that I had won this but for whatever reason I didn’t think their would be a blog about it, hah. Hurray!

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